Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Report to school early, or lose your places


JANUARY 13, 2010


Form one students who fail to report to their new schools by the set deadline risk losing their places to other students.

Education permanent secretary Karega Mutahi said parents should ensure their children report in time as heads teachers will be required to take in other students if those selected fail to take up their places.

Students are expected to report to their new schools between February 1 and February 5.

In a speech read on his behalf by the director of Adult and Continuing Education Joyce Kebathi, Mutahi encouraged parents to take their children to the schools they are selected instead of focusing on particular schools.

The PS also challenged teachers in public schools to learn from their counterparts in private schools who are posting better results in national examinations.

Kebathi was addressing head teachers during a brief ceremony to officially open the form one selection process at the Coast Girls High School yesterday.

Kebathi announced that a total of 296 children with disabilities have been selected to join special secondary schools for students with disabilities.

Coat Provincial director of Education Tom Majani said the exercise will take place today and tomorrow then selection for those to join district schools will be on January 19 and January 20.

He asked those intending to change the schools they were selected to join particular schools to make formal requests to the respective schools by February 9.

Majani said CDF has helped increase the number of schools in the province as 30 new secondary schools will be established this year alone.


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